My Composition

Life's a walk of memory. Sometimes u get upset n down, sometimes happy n excited like flying. De more u taste, de more u understand. U should always appreciate it for that not all people can get a chance to feel it. Let it be on ur head n u'd get a smile from it some day ahead. Let all my memories be in my songs. I'll forget everything when i stop composing and singing them.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

view lyric here
Hooo.. My Khmer composition here..

When you laugh, i smile; and when you cry, i'm always there beside you, sharing your sorrow and enlighten your days..
I would not have the power to light up the whole world, but at least i have a little light just like a candle to brighten you and brighten our love...
Even the star, moon and the sun are still not as bright as our love -- they have time to leave, they have time to run away; but we're forever together.
Our love's strong; its light's immortal... nothing can blow it out.
Wait for what... Check it out and show your here or click the picture to view lyric.